Thursday, April 21, 2011

What is a pawn shop?

LOANS: A pawn shop gives short-term collateral loans using a personal item to use as collateral until the loan is paid in full. This is the quickest, easiest, most convenient way to get quick cash fast!

BUY: We buy your items outright, so if you are interested in getting quick cash fast for those unwanted items, bring them to Hurricane Cedar Post Pawn right here in Southern Utah, and we will give you CASH in seconds! It's that easy!

SELL: Hurricane Cedar Post Pawn sells high quality merchandise, and everything comes with a satisfaction guarantee! We sell things from jewelry, electronics from Ipods, digital cameras, GPS units, games and game systems like Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 (Playstation 3), DVD's from $2.00! High quality tools from DeWalt, Makita, Hitachi, Milwaukee, Craftsman, Snap-on, Guitars and music instruments and accessories, MUCH MORE!

TRADE: Want to trade your item for something else? We usually give more on a trade than buying your item outright!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Career Advice only at Cedar Post Pawn in Hurricane, Utah!

Finding a job or even a new career can be challenging in today's day and age! Cedar Post Pawn in Hurricane, Utah knows all to well the challenges that people face not only finding a great career, but saving money and becoming financially fit. Read this article by Joyce Lain Kennedy. Tune in for more financial tips and tricks only at Hurricane Cedar Post Pawn!

Best career advice: 2011


By Joyce Lain Kennedy Tribune Media Services

QI’ve noticed articles about New Year’s career resolutions. Do you have career suggestions along those lines? — S.L.

A I’ve given up making New Year’s resolutions, but here’s an update of a popular year-end column that appeared three years ago:

•Pay Attention- Take a night now and then to seriously evaluate where you are and where you want to be. Remaining alert will keep you from being blindsided if your job is suddenly outsourced to cheap labor. That can happen in nearly any field, especially where the work can be digitized, including medicine, law and accounting. It’s a myth that “only the low-end jobs are being sent overseas.” This is a historic juncture for American workers, and not all will benefit from changes.

•Fight obsolescence- The only job security you can count on is the transportability of your own skills. Do whatever it takes to keep your qualifications mint-fresh and marketable. If you have to forgo leisure pursuits to revisit college or vocational training, think about the consequences of your choice; what’s it worth to you to remain vibrantly employable?

•Network forever- Never has it been more important to participate in professional organizations and to network with other groups and individuals — even parents you meet when driving your kids to school. Contacts you nurture over the years are most likely to return your calls and open doors for you when you’re in employment distress. Calling only when you need something doesn’t motivate others to assist you.

•Strategic zigzagging- Fertilize your career climb by judiciously changing employers when opportunity knocks. Job-changing doesn’t hold nearly the risk for you being seen as a job hopper that it once did, as long as you make quotable, measurable accomplishments at each stop.

•Think self-employment- Certainly not everyone should strike out alone, but if you have strong entrepreneurial traits, running your own business may prove more secure and rewarding than being at someone else’s call. But plan out such a move. Middle-aged managers often discover to their regret that they lack the risk gene and are cut out to be wage slaves after all. Or they run out of money. When that happens, they can hardly wait to get back on a payroll. They’ve found out that it takes a whole lot more to succeed than doing what you love and hoping the money will follow.

•Take a long view- Look at your career as a whole. Don’t force yourself into a round hole if you’re a square peg. Stay true to your personality and preferred lifestyle — if you’re a water lover, taking a job in the desert won’t satisfy your inner sailor.

Look at personal timelines for progress and how you’re moving through phases of growth: promise, momentum and harvest. If you’re still in the promise stage at 45, something has to change or momentum-followed-by-harvest will slip beyond your grasp.

•Fight for money Red alert- Learn ever-more-critical salary negotiating skills. Employers aren’t famous for spending a dollar when a dime will do. If you don’t know market rates for your work, you can’t fight back a lowball offer.

•Become an ace job hunter- Job hunting has been reinvented and now includes such e-skills as online social networking and using mobile smart phones. You need a high Internet IQ and solid Web skills, as well as mastery of familiar on-ground job hunting methods. Lost in a cyber-crush of résumés, the all-purpose résumé has become obsolete as employers respond best to customized résumés. Can you learn how to quickly tailor a dead-on match of your qualifications to a position’s requirements?

No matter how you find the job, perfecting your job interviewing skills will make all the difference in determining who gets the nod. Here’s the latest scoop — get ready to smile (and talk) for the webcam attached to your home computer as video interviews creep up on preliminary phone interviews.

Come to think of it, maybe you need to spend more than a night now and then to pay attention to a workplace very different than it was when I began this column 44 years ago.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pawn Stars as seen on TV by National Pawnbrokers Association!

"In today's diverse society, many people depend on pawnbrokers to help them meet those daily financial needs not met by other financial institutions. Our customers represent the working families of America who have an unexpected need for short term cash. Pawn loans keep the electricity on, the rent paid, and cars working and full of gasoline." (National Pawnbrokers Association)

Pawn Stars TV show "has shown people something we knew all along: that pawnbrokers are cool." (National Pawnbrokers Association)

Click link for more on Pawn Stars as seen on TV, and the pawn industry! Hurricane Cedar Post Pawn in Southern Utah is your NUMBER ONE LOCAL PAWNSHOP!

Copy this link for more on PAWN STARS from the National Pawnbrokers Association!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Money 101 - Financial Advice & Lessons

"1. Narrow your objectives.

You probably won't be able to achieve every financial goal you've ever dreamed of. So identify your goals clearly and why they matter to you, and decide which are most important. By concentrating your efforts, you have a better chance of achieving what matters most.

2. Focus first on the goals that matter.

To accomplish primary goals, you will often need to put desirable but less important ones on the back burner.

3. Be prepared for conflicts.

Even worthy goals often conflict with one another. When faced with such a conflict, you should ask yourself questions like: Will one of the conflicting goals benefit more people than the other? Which goal will cause the greater harm if it is deferred?

4. Put time on your side.

The most important ally you have in reaching your goals is time. Money stashed in interest-earning savings accounts or invested in stocks and bonds grows and compounds. The more time you have, the more chance you have of success. Your age is a big factor - younger people (who have more time to build their nest egg) can invest differently than older ones. Generally, younger people can take greater risks than older people, given their longer investment horizon.

5. Choose carefully.

In drawing up your list of goals, you should look for things that will help you feel financially secure, happy or fulfilled. Some of the items that wind up on such lists include building an emergency fund, getting out of debt and paying kids' tuitions. Once you have your list together, you need to rank the items in order of importance (if you have trouble doing so, use the Prioritizer for help).

6. Include family members.

If you have a spouse or significant other, make sure that person is part of the goal-setting process. Children, too, should have some say in goals that affect them.

7. Start now.

The longer you wait to identify and begin working toward your goals, the more difficulty you'll have reaching them. And the longer you wait, the longer you postpone the advantage of compounding your money.

8. Sweat the big stuff.

Once you have prioritized your list of goals, keep your spending on course. Whenever you make a large payment for anything, ask yourself: "Is this taking me nearer to my primary goals - or leading me further away from them?" If a big expense doesn't get you closer to your goals, try to defer or reduce it. If taking a grand cruise steals money from your kids' college fund, maybe you should settle for a weekend getaway.

9. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Although this lesson encourages you to focus on big-ticket, long-range plans, most of life is lived in the here-and-now and most of what you spend will continue to be for daily expenses - including many that are simply for fun. That's OK - so long as your long-range needs are taken into consideration.

10. Be prepared for change.

Your needs and desires will change as you age, so you should probably reexamine your priorities at least every five years". CNN Website, click link for more!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hunting and the Shooting Sports Videos


Q & A on This Landmark Court Case
The Supreme Court recently ruled that the Second Amendment applies to the states and local government. What does this decision mean to gun owners across America? Get the answers by watching this interview with NSSF President Steve Sanetti.

Click Link Below!

Hunting and the Shooting Sports Videos

Monday, June 28, 2010

Get BLOWN AWAY! Shop Hurricane, Utah!

Cedar Post Pawn in Hurricane is teaming up with local businesses and the City of Hurricane to help our community grow and prosper. Shopping local not only helps your favorite local merchant stay in business, but it generates revenue for your city. Check out the link below to Hurricane City's Blow Away campaign. Remember, Get Blow Away! Shop Hurricane!

Cedar Post Pawn in Hurricane is doing whatever it takes to keep Hurricane residents shopping local! From big sales to daily markdowns, matching on sale prices from other retailers, ensures that you get the best deal by just staying local! Keeping the customers extremely happy has been our number one goal and making sure that Hurricane, Utah Cedar Post Pawn is your number one pawnshop for quick cash loans and the best deals on merchandise!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Father's Day SALE!

Need gift ideas for Dad for Father's Day? Stop in Hurricane Cedar Post Pawn for all the latest and greatest stuff! Anything from sporting goods, firearms- handguns, rifles, shotguns, bows, knives, camping equipment, TOOLS, XBOX 360's and Wii's IN STOCK! Guitars, LCD TV's, digital cameras, MUCH MUCH MORE! Check us out at!

Mention this BLOG and receive 10% off any merchandise!

Happy Father's Day!